Corporate Chi is a natural conclusion to some simple facts. Because every corporation is made up of individuals, the energy of the individual affects the energy of the whole, and vice versa this holistic or organicistic approach.
Given: The corporation is made up of a HIERARCHICAL STRUCTURE that ultimately connects everyone.
Given: The CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD, the CEO or other VITO (very important top officer) acts as the leader and mentor of the successful corporation.
Given: The CORPORATION is a sum of what its EMPLOYEES contribute, and EMPLOYEES develop in direct relation to their contributions to the CORPORATION.
Given: CORPORATE CULTURE develops based upon mentorship, vision, charisma, policy, belief and spirit.
Given: The HARMONY within a corporation is directly related to the relationship the leaders have with the EMPLOYEES.
Given: The life force of the corporation is made up of the life energy, called CHI, of each individual employee. Therefore, the CORPORATION has CHI.
Conclusion: Every corporation, institution, organization is alive with a culture, a consciousness, an attitude, an energy. Every corporation has a flavor, timbre, temperature and a myriad of characteristics, all of which represent the relationship the leaders have with their team and the skills and synergy of the entire unit.
When we DEVELOP THE INDIVIDUAL , we develop the corporation. When we build INDIVIDUAL CHI, we build CORPORATE CHI.
This forum shall offer thoughts on the concept of CORPORATE CHI. It is this writer’s goal to gather statistics that measure a change in EMPLOYEE PRODUCTIVITY with the implementation of specific corporate wellness regimes. As more evidence is gathered, it will be posted here.
Please feel free to comment on your experience, your ideas, your vision.
And, if you would like to volunteer your company to be part of one of our BETA TESTS that aims to gather RETURN ON INVESTMENT statistics, please let us know. The test will take five – ten minutes per day for a duration of one – three months.
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