post Category: 5Rhythms,Corporate Tai Chi,Trance Tai Chi — admin @ 3:57 pm — post Comments (0)

Gabrielle Roth, 5Rhythms Founder: How Her Joyful 5Rhythms Interpretation And She Embodied Corporate Tai Chi

by Diane Gold

Corporate tai chi is defined as a way of being and a method of body movement to relax and empower the individuals in a group setting. For Gabrielle Roth, I want to talk about the way she led her life (akin to Corporate Tai Chi), culminating in a message that continues to grow and evolve and the method she professed (akin to Corporate Tai Chi).

Gabrielle RothWhereas the corporate ta chi method instructs step-by-step by concentrating on moving all body parts in unison, Gabrielle’s message (according to what I have researched and my( so far) 10-hours of experience with Amber Ryan) made suggestions of instruction for people to interpret as individuals letting one body part follow another. Whereas the movement of corporate tai chi prescribes that everyone follow a similar pattern, 5Rhythms delights in creating a comfort with each person moving to her (his) own individual rhythm set.

In terms of embodiment, Corporate Tai Chi is a philosophy of being: balance, peace of mind, flexibility of mind. The corporate tai chi artist creates flowing movement by the very nature of her (his) walking the planet. S/he cares more about the passing on of joy more than in collecting joyous moments for her (him)self, although knows how to live on the path of happiness. S/he knows how to empower others without taking energy away from anyone. Sounds a little like love. At least, it is loving.

This description fits Gabrielle Roth as I have come to imagine her, always figuring I had enough time to meet her after another day passed by.

A quote by Gabrielle completely parallels the way of Corporate Tai Chi and many other movement bodies,

“The whole idea of meditation is to still the mind, and the fastest way to do that is to move the body.”

Through many years of teaching, this statement resonates true to me. After becoming a student in a 5Rhythms class, it resonates even more. Being able to give to the group as if giving to one, being able to have everyone be more free after experiencing the method are what happens from the method of Gabrielle Roth.

I will also compare Trance Tai Chi, my beloved tai chi and electronic music combined, to the outcome felt from 5Rhythms. Again, as with Corporate Tai Chi, whose method is tai chi in any group setting such as school, work, government, the sports field, the way I teach it is by instructing a framework.

The framework taught by Gabrielle Roth in her beloved 5Rhythms Method had to do with whispering an instruction so as not to tread on any student’s freedom or creativity. The subtlety of 5Rhythms was so impressive that I want to put it into both Trance Tai Chi and Corporate Tai methods. The grace of the impression of Gabrielle Roth, I want to emulate.

Dance Figures


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